101 National Bass Trombone Solo Competition Finals102 National Jazz Solo Competition Finals103 Michigan State University Jazz Trombone Ensemble104 Naval Academy Band Trombone Trio and Interservice Trombone Septet201 SSG Felix Padilla Group Warm-up202 Guest Artist Recital203 National Tenor Trombone Solo Competition204 Altin Sencalar Masterclass205 USNA Brass Ensemble206 The U.S. Army Blues301 Cory Mixdorf Group Warm-up302 Guest Artist Recital303 CCM Trombone Choir304 Peter Moore Masterclass305 West Virginia University Trombone Choir306 Peabody Jazz Trombone Ensemble307 The U.S. Army Orchestra401 John Gruber Group Warm-up402 Legacy Trombone Quartet - Columbus State University403 Educational Panel404 Shenandoah Trombone Choir405 Oberlin College Trombone Choir406 Guest Artist Recital407 Capitol Bones408 The U.S. Army Concert Band